Tip of the Month: March 2021 – Ready. Set. Go!

Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.”  – Diane Ackerman

This quote is true on many levels and incorporating time to play really does make a difference in our professional and personal lives.  As Nutrition Entrepreneurs, we spend a lot of time growing our business, and being able to play infuses the creativity needed to achieve this goal.

Wondering how to incorporate play in your life? Here are several ways to engage in play:

P= PREPARE – Take a trip down memory lane and think about all the different ways you played as a child. Did you play hide n’ seek or Hopscotch? Keep an open mind and consider every opportunity to engage in play and channel your inner child. There isn’t any reason you can’t bring back some of your old favorite childhood games.

L= LEARN – Playing offers an opportunity to learn as it utilizes problem solving skills and working with others.  Another positive effect? You get to laugh while you learn…proving you really don’t have to be a kid to enjoy playing while relieving some stress.

A= ACT – Play is the perfect time to act like someone else besides you. You can be whomever you want during play time. You may want to be a character on a show you watch regularly or even your favorite animal. Let your creative juices flow and the sky is the limit.

Y= YES –  Follow the improvisational rule which is to agree and say yes to the suggestions you receive during playtime. If you are asked to play dress up and your prompt is “frog,” say yes and find something green to wear or start jumping around like a frog. It may sound silly, but you may be surprised at the creativity which results from saying yes! Regardless of the type of play in which you choose to engage make sure to practice playing full out and notice what a difference it makes in both your professional and personal life. Game on!

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