What Is NE?

Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE) is a dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) that offers numerous business-related resources for its members including quarterly teleconferences, a cutting-edge newsletter, informational tool kits, national and local meetings, and formal networking opportunities to build and maintain a successful business. Our members are dietitians with diverse entrepreneurial interests including authors, coaches, corporate health specialists, private practice practitioners and technology experts, as well as those exploring other entrepreneurial possibilities.

Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE) is the #1 Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics dedicated to entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. We are guided by our overarching mission to create a community that empowers and supports the success of our members. NE will enhance your career, business, and personal growth. 

How Do I Join Nutrition Entrepreneurs

The quickest way to join NE is by calling the Academy (800) 877-1600 ext. 5000 and joining by credit card or join online. The membership year runs from June 1 through May 31. Academy accepts payment for the current year through the end of January. Once you have joined, you will have access to the Members section of the NE website and access to all member benefits, including free CEUs via our monthly webinars, our Ventures newsletter, advertising opportunities, discounted meetings, and networking with specialty group members.

How To Sign Up Online:

  • Login to EatRightPro.org
  • Click on “My Academy Toolbar”
  • Click on “My Groups”
  • Click on “Add DPG/MIG”
  • Add Nutrition Entrepreneurs (#30) to your groups
  • Go to Checkout
  • Pay and Complete

Why Join Nutrition Entrepreneurs?

4 Reasons to Join #NEDPG

Get Informed

  • CEUs Annually
  • Live Webinars
  • Archived Recorded Webinars
  • FNCE Events
  • In-Print Newsletters
  • Mentors To Choose From
  • Toolkit For Entrepreneurs

Get Connected

  • Networking Potential
  • 3000+ Members Of Which 500+ Are Students

Get Involved

  • Public Policy
  • Give Back By Being On The EC
  • Become A Webinar Presenter
  • Become A Mentor

Get Recognized

  • 2 NE Member Awards $$$
  • Members On The Move
  • Promote Your Products & Services

NE Hopes To Inspire Nutrition Entrepreneurs.

Through the cultivation of meaningful connections, NE DPG is a unique place where ideas can flourish. We are dedicated to supporting one another in ventures both big and small. We value innovation, unique perspectives, and community empowerment.

What Our Members Have To Say

Jill Mongene, MAcc, RDN, LDN
Jill Mongene, MAcc, RDN, LDN
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I am a member of NE DPG because after being a small business owner for 5 years and then becoming a second career dietitian student…I wanted to get reconnected with entrepreneurial like-minded individuals as I pursue my future as an RD. Chere, Dr. Penny, Barbara and Linda were all so gracious to meet me for dinner in Nashville last year and that pretty much kicked of my membership in the Academy…what a GREAT way to jumpstart a second career dietetic students path!
Elizabeth Ann Shaw, MS, RDN, CLT
Elizabeth Ann Shaw, MS, RDN, CLT
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I love being involved in NE because it has helped me transition into self-employment while still feeling like I have “coworkers.” The group of individuals in this committee are so warm, welcoming and helpful! I feel like I’m a part of something – which is huge in private practice! Chere, Dr. Penny, Barbara and Linda were all so gracious to meet me for dinner in Nashville last year and that pretty much kicked of my membership in the Academy…what a GREAT way to jumpstart a second career dietetic students path!
Ann M. Silver, MS, RDN, CDE, CDN, Nutritionist, Private Practice
Ann M. Silver, MS, RDN, CDE, CDN, Nutritionist, Private Practice
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Quickly here’s what comes to mind for me: I work in a vacuum (all by myself) and NE has opened up my world to colleagues who are willing to share and help each other.The benefits of membership outweighs the cost (especially at less than 10 cents a day). As an entrepreneurial RDN in private practice NE is THE DPG! It has been immensely helpful in my practice. I love, love, love my fellow NEers. They are creative and innovative thinking nutrition entrepreneurs and it rub offs.I have met amazing colleagues with whom I have made life long friendships.
Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RDN
Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RDN
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Being a member of NE is like having thousands of amazing colleagues just an email away!
Theresa Stahl, RDN, LDN, FAND
Theresa Stahl, RDN, LDN, FAND
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I have been a member of NE since the 1980s and had the privilege of serving on the executive committee. I highly recommend this fabulous DPG to all RDNs because its members come from all areas in the field of nutrition. I’ve worked in many different areas over my 30+ year career and I always find the information shared in the Ventures newsletter and in the NE meetings and sessions at FNCE to be both inspirational and practical. You don’t have to own a business to benefit from NE membership. If you want to stay on the cutting edge of nutrition, stay motivated and inspired, then the NE DPG is for you!
Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD, Sports Nutrition Counselor
Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD, Sports Nutrition Counselor
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I am a member of NE because it curbs the loneliness that comes with being a solo nutrition entrepreneur. I have met many new friends via NE, both in person, as well as online. Plus, I appreciate the wealth of collected knowledge in this amazing group. Someone always has an answer to any question I might have!

Member Benefits Include:

  • Ventures– Five issues of NE’s newsletter
  • Connect with members on the NEDPG website forums
  • Mentoring Program – network with NE experts
  • FREE Webinars with free CEUs
  • Spring Virtual Annual Conference known as the Spring Summit
  • Specialty Groups
  • Free Marketing and Advertising Opportunities for your Products and Services
  • NE Toolkit – resources to enhance your practice