Using Facebook Groups to Elevate Your Practice

I’m sure most of you have a Facebook account for your business, but this social network can be used in many other ways to elevate your career. I had just about stopped logging into my personal account when I joined and found value in Facebook groups a couple of years ago. If you aren’t utilizing them already, or if you are overwhelmed by them, read on.

There are a variety of private Facebook groups created by and dedicated to elevating dietitians’ blogs and businesses. Some have a goal of sharing each other’s content on social media platforms. You might wonder how this benefits your business, but the reality is, your followers enjoy a variety of content and there’s no way you have every recipe they’ll need on your own website! In addition, you’ll learn from other RDs with different specialties.

Other Facebook groups may be targeted to your area of expertise or an area that you hope to branch into. Whether general private practice, virtual practice, intuitive eating or writing, you can find a group (or create one!) to connect with other dietitians with similar interests while both gaining knowledge from others and providing your own tips when others need your help too.

As with any social media outlet, it’s important to follow proper “netiquette”. Most groups have guidelines pinned to the top of the page; read them before posting any information that promotes your business. Remember that every dietitian has a different background as well as clients with different health and demographic considerations. Always be respectful of others opinions and be open-minded when contributing.

Have you joined so many groups that you’re overwhelmed by the notifications and have just started to ignore them? Do some spring cleaning by leaving groups that don’t serve you and turn off push notifications on your cell phone.

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